Selasa, 21 September 2010

What You Don't Know About Confidence

Confidence is one of those odd things in life that turn out to be surprisingly difficult to tie down, whether you like it or not. Everyone may think their know what confidence is, and most of us may feel certain that we could recognize it when we see it, but most of us are in fact still struggle to define exactly what 'it' is. In fact, confidence is an everyday experience, something you have quite often, except on those all important occasions when it seems to leave you and you could really use more of it - whatever 'it' is.

Before you dive in further on how to be more confidence, let look at what is the definition of confidence. A good dictionary provides at least three definitions for confidence, and it's important to understand each aspect as it is easy to muddle them:

- Self-assuredness: This relates to your confidence in your ability to perform to a certain standard.
- Belief in the ability of other people: This definition focuses on how you expect others to behave in a trustworthy or competent way.
- Keeping certain information secret or restricted to a few people: This definition concerns the idea of keeping a confidence.

Unless we go through certain tests, it is difficult for ordinary person to know whether he or she is confidence. On the other hands, confident person tend to have these 7 core indicators:-

* Direction and values: You know what you want, where you want to go, and what's really important to you.
* Motivation: You are motivated by and enjoy what you do. In fact, you're likely to get so engrossed in what you're doing that nothing distracts you.
* Emotional stability: You have calm and focused approach to how you are yourself and how you are with other people as you tackle challenges. You notice difficult emotions such as anger and anxiety, but you work with them rather than letting them overcome you.
* A positive mindset: You have the ability to stay optimistic and see the bright side even when you encounter setbacks. You hold positive regard for yourself as well as other people.
* Self-awareness: You know what you are good at, how capable you feel, and how you look and sound to others. You also acknowledge that you are a human being, and you don't expect to be perfect.
* Flexibility in behavior: You adapt your behavior according to circumstance. You can see the bigger picture as well as paying attention to details. You take other people's views on board in making decisions.
* Eagerness to develop: You enjoy stretching yourself, treating each day as a learning experience, rather than acting as if you are already an expert with nothing new to find out. You take your discoveries to new experiences.

In summary, you can use these indicators to help figure out where you are stuck in life because you lack the confidence to move on. Most importantly, these indicators should also assist you to build up your confidence to next new high level.

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